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  • Components for the automotive and machinery industry since 1999

Rubber injection moulding

In addition to the production of rubber parts by injection moulding with a part weight between 1 g and 1 kg for the automotive industry, we develop tools and rubber compounds for special part and material requirements in close cooperation with our customers.

We design the tooling concepts in cooperation with our customers. We produce moulded parts on vertical and horizontal injection moulding machines, mainly for automotive applications. After production, our moulded rubber parts pass through various finishing processes such as deburring, drying and tempering, and finally, a fully automated 100% inspection by using laser-assisted visual test units.

For special part geometries, whose deburring cannot be automated, we have manual workstations for deburring and verification.

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Rubber injection moulding - sample photos

Dust cover
Ignition coils
Technical moulded parts and special parts made of silicone and rubber
Compensation caps and bellows for chassis bearings
Motor mountings and decoupling membranes
Dust caps for brake and steering systems